One of the many fun things to do as a dog owner is to get those shots of him being exactly who he is, quirks and all. The tough thing is you usually end up with something blurry or with green eye (the dog equivalent of red-eye). So I'm here to give you a few tips on how to get the most out of your dog photography so you can get better pictures of your best friend.

1. Get them in their environment
Great dog pictures come from the dog being relaxed and happy. Take them to a place they love and are familiar with. A favorite trail or the beach, make beautiful images normally, but add your dog into them and they become spectacular!

2. Get down on their level
This is a pretty common tip. But get down to their level to shoot your photograph. Dog pictures are great when you are at the same perspective as the dog and not shooting straight down on them. We are use to seeing dogs from our vantage point, so get down on your knees and see how much better your images become.
3. Try different angles
Not only get down on the ground, but try laying down and looking up at your dog. Shoot from the side or a different angle than straight ahead. Shoot from way up above standing on something to look over your dog. Mix it up, it makes for interesting photography and you might surprise yourself.

4. Get out their favorite toy or treat
Want to get their attention and make sure they are focused on you? Don't get the same old ball out that they play with day in and day out. Get something you know that they'll LOVE and will get them excited. Their focus will be all about you and what you're holding. Same goes with the treats. Maybe break out the special every once in a while treat they usually don't get. Give them a little taste and you'll have their attention for a while.

5. Take Breaks