

Pet parenting news, advice and education resources

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Aromatherapy can ease an injured pet quickly


You probably know what obvious basics should be in your pet first aid kit. But did you know that essential oils can be a safe and effective addition?
Lost Pet Alerts to Community Shelters, Vets & More


When your pet goes missing, there is no time to waste. So we have made reporting your lost pet and creating a lost pet poster easy and fast!

Yes, your dog needs more toys. Especially THESE toys.


Dog toys can be essential tools for different needs, situations and enrichment that can help with Lost Pet Prevention. We LUV these four from Soda Pup.
Swank digs, DogTV, tons o'toys. Would YOU ever leave?


An enriched environment can prevent your dog from running away from home and getting lost (and, let's face it, it's more fun for you, too).

Pro tip: DON'T leave puppy-prep to the last minute.


It had been years since we'd had a puppy, so we had to get prepped. Here's our must-have products to have before a puppy joins your household.

For many dogs, the 4th is the worst day. EVER.


If your dog is fearful of fireworks AND an naturally anxious pup, you may dread any holiday that involves fireworks and loud noises. 

Magnet for lost pets? You NEED to read this.


Prep for the day you find a lost pet just by adding a few items to the emergency kit you keep in your car for your own pets (you have one, right??).

Missing stuff. Stressed human. Moving sucks for dogs.


Downsizing your home can be stressful for you, and SUPER stressful for your doggo, too! Adapting to changing environments can be challenging. 

Senior dogs = puppies (Cuz all doggos are young at heart!)


Toys, comfort-care, travel gear and more, our PetHub team shares some of our older pups tried and tested, favorite and well loved products! 

What to Look for When Choosing CBD for Your Pet


CBD can help with anxiety, and it can also help alleviate pain, controlling seizures, and act as an anti-inflammatory tool. But where to start?

AKA How to Avoid Major Kitty Crankiness


While cats are most comfortable at home, some cats are good travelers. And some really, really aren't. (We have the cat scratch scars to prove it.)

No collar? No ID tag? No easy way home.


Only 33% of pet parents say they keep ID tags on their pets at all times. At one point or another, most pets don't wear the IDs that help them get home.