

Pet parenting news, advice and education resources

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My Fur Kid Isn't Spoiled, I'm Just Well-trained


The PetHub team is passionate about pets.  And rather OBSESSED with these five pawsome pet products & services that we SWEAR by. 

Key Things to Do NOW to Prevent Pet Escapes


Some pets are escape artists. They just have a knack for pulling disappearing tricks. In fact, any pet can get out if a house isn’t escape-proofed.

A Must Read for Hairy Houdini Hound Pawrents


Want your dog to be able to play and explore the outdoors without the worry of them wandering off? Our Houdini-proofing guide covers ALL the angles.

Expect the unexpected when you're on the road with dogs


Even a travel-with-dogs expert can have a a pet go missing.  Go Pet Friendly's Amy tells Myles' tale and the lessons learned.

Essential Oils: What Pet Parents Should Know


Dogs have 40 times more scent receptors than humans. Because their world revolves around scent, aromatherapy is ideal for use with dogs.

7 Things You Must Train Your Dog to Do


Do you know the most important things to train your dog to understand to keep them safe? Key commands should be learned for emergency situations. 

Do's & Don'ts of Training Your Pup


We've all made mistakes when it comes to training our dogs! A leading dog trainer walks us through the most common pitfall of training our pups.

Weathering the storm with your pet takes planning.


According to a recent ASPCA study, 83% of pets live in disaster prone areas. Yet, less than 50% of pet parents have an emergency plan in place.

If only dogs could provide you Trip Advisor ratings.


Did you know that summer vacation time is the prime time for pets to go missing? Considering most pets don't REALLY like vacay TBH, is it worth the risk?
An Alternative Approach to Treating Stress


Almost all pet parents have been confronted with situations that stress out their pets.Learn about a safe way to help them to calm and feel safe.

Sure, it's the law. But that's not the full story.


Many pet owners forget something vital - licensing their pet. If you’ve been putting off pet licensing or just don't want to, this article is for you.

Frequent Flyers --


Some dogs, called flight-risk dogs, are much more likely to go missing than others. You may have a flight-risk dog and not even know it.