

Pet parenting news, advice and education resources

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Mine pup is ENFP with a big dose of goofball. Yours?


These is no Myers-Briggs for dogs, but there are some classic personality traits that can predict HOW they will get lost (if they ever do). 

6 MUSTS for staying safe & together on the road


There’s nothing better than traveling with pets…but there would be nothing worse than having your dog or cat get lost when they’re away from home. 

Wanna have a chill & safe pet? Make them THINK.


It’s our job to make sure we provide our pets with the tools they need to stay safe and engaged when life looks different for them, too. Here are some basics to keep in mind.

What happens to your pet when you are gone?


Have you planned who care for your pets if you have a major illness or worse? Unexpected things happen. Planning ahead for your pet's care is critical.

Know these situations BEFORE your dog goes missing.


Sure, every doggo is unique and the best pup EVAH. Still, there are some frequent storylines for a dog that's AWOL (absent without a leash). 

#1: Make them an indoor kitty. Outdoor = leash.


Cats are curious creatures and always on the lookout for a new adventure, but that daredevil spirit often leads them straight to trouble. 

Sweater weather, gorgeous leaves, and hidden dangers.


As summer fades into fall and temperatures drop, it’s important that pet owners, especially new ones, are fully aware of the unique dangers of autumn.

Pets have a surprisingly negative impact on the earth


Pet dogs have carbon pawprints double that of a typical SUV. Cats are equal to driving a compact car for a year. So what can you do to less the impact?

30 Simple Things Every Parent Needs to Do NOW


Consider this an inventory of the key actions to take THIS WEEKEND to be prepared for the worst and protect your pet for unforeseen circumstances.

First Aid knowledge can make a world of difference


Illness and/or injury sometimes add to the problems faced by pets when they are lost. Do you know how to help if you are the kind soul that finds them?

"I don't CHASE bikes. I RIDE them, like a cool dog."


Do you long to take your canine companion with you when you go for a bike ride but wonder if it is safe?  It can be, if you do it right.

Help A Missing Pet Return Home


Finding a missing pet can be stressful, but remembering the basics can really help! We’ve got five ways you can help a missing pet return home to his family.