Electronic Pet Fences: A Houdini Proofing Comparison


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Electronic Pet Fences: A Houdini Proofing Comparison

To wire or not to wire? That is the question.

Electronic Pet Fence Systems

Some pet parents love the idea of using a collar-based electronic device to keep their fur kid from getting lost. And why the heck not?  GPS collar attachments like Tractive are effective for keep track of your dog or cat (Tractive IS the PetHub team's fave FWIW). Plus, the tech is usually way easier and less expensive than putting in a new fence. And let's be honest -- these systems are COOL and have a ton of nifty benefits that traditional fences just can't provide.

As cool as all those bennies are...we don't recommend these systems as stand-alone tools to prevent your pet from getting lost or leaving your property. Having an open yard is simply not safe. And some (certainly not all) electronic pet containment systems use painful shock collars to keep the fur kid on the right side of the line...ouch! 

We love the idea of electronic collars being part of your equation for lost pet prevention. That said, do your research so you know just what type of collar and system you are investing in for your pet's protection.

An infographic showing the differences between wired and wireless electronic pet containment systems.
