(last seen: 03/17/2021)

Missing Dog! Answers To "Hulk" and “Poke” pronounced (PO-Kayy)

Name: Hulk

Gender: Male

Species: Dog

Breed (primary): Yorkshire Terrier / Yorkie

Breed (mixed): Yorkshire Terrier / Yorkie

Weight: 4 lb

Last seen location

The address below is the last known address or cross street of where Hulk was seen on 03/17/2021

1790 ne 173rd st, North Miami beach, Florida 33162 United States

(Date last seen: 03/17/2021)

Physical description / medications / other

Black/blonde has a bid scar on behind that doesn’t grow any hair on it so big bald spot on his butt/back, also responds to Poke (PO-kayy)

Very timid and scared, bark and whimpers a lot of you get to close to him he’ll duck down and put his head down

Contact information

When Hulk is found, please call the PetHub 24x7 "Found Pet Hotline" at +1 (855) 411-0123 or use any additional contact information provided below.

Phone: (954) 487-9244

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