(last seen: 08/13/2021)
Missing Cat! Answers To "Chase" or when you clap your hands
Name: Chase
Gender: Male
Species: Cat
Breed (primary): Domestic Short Hair
Breed (mixed): Domestic Short Hair
Weight: 7 lb
Last seen location
The address below is the last known address or cross street of where Chase was seen on 08/13/2021
3528 Louisiana Rd, Rockford , IL 61108 United States
(Date last seen: 08/13/2021)
Physical description / medications / other
Orange white and brown fur.
Responds to his name to hands clapping or both at the same time. Can be feisty when scared
Contact information
When Chase is found, please call the PetHub 24x7 "Found Pet Hotline" at +1 (855) 411-0123 or use any additional contact information provided below.
Phone: (773) 370-0941