(last seen: 06/08/2022)
Lost Senior Dog! Responds to "Lucy"! Needs medication for Seizures!
Name: Lucy
Gender: Female
Species: Dog
Breed (primary): Rat Terrier
Breed (mixed): Rat Terrier
Weight: 13 lb
Rabies tag: 8757834Last seen location
The address below is the last known address or cross street of where Lucy was seen on 06/08/2022
20751 County Road 93, Woodland, CA 95695 United States
(Date last seen: 06/08/2022)
Physical description / medications / other
<p>She is 13lbs with a black and white cow print body and a black and brown face with light brown eyebrows, and she is greying on her face and back of ears. She responds to Luce, Goose, and Goosey.</p>
She is hard of hearing and does not like being picked up. Not friendly with other dogs and kids. Needs medication (Phenobarbital) for seizures.
Contact information
When Lucy is found, please call the PetHub 24x7 "Found Pet Hotline" at +1 (855) 411-0123 or use any additional contact information provided below.
<p>Phone: (916) 642-0538 (Mariah)</p>