(last seen: 08/19/2022)
Missing Dog! Answers To " “Roli” Rowland" or just “Roli” “Roli”
Name: Rolihlahla “Roli” Rowland
Gender: Male
Species: Dog
Breed (primary): Kerry Blue Terrier
Breed (mixed): Kerry Blue Terrier
Weight: 50 lb
Microchip ID: *050*539*349Last seen location
The address below is the last known address or cross street of where Rolihlahla “Roli” Rowland was seen on 08/19/2022
11245 Bradley Ct, Orland Park, IL 60467 United States
(Date last seen: 08/19/2022)
Physical description / medications / other
Roli’s markings are grey bearded area with white, and he is Curly Haired, he has a pink tongue, and some benign cysts on back
He will stretch flat on his belly when safe. He is not aggressive. He will give you his paw to shake if asked as friends, sometimes will ask to shake without you asking. Roli’s chip is through AVID
Contact information
When Rolihlahla “Roli” Rowland is found, please call the PetHub 24x7 "Found Pet Hotline" at +1 (855) 411-0123 or use any additional contact information provided below.
Phone: (708) 548-2696
Phone: (847) 863-0682