(last seen: 01/18/2023)

Missing Dog! Answers To "Dakota"

Name: Dakota

Gender: Male

Species: Dog

Breed (primary): Unknown

Breed (mixed): Siberian Husky

Weight: 60 lb

License: L22-057750 Rabies tag: P158605 Microchip ID: 981020051257794

Last seen location

The address below is the last known address or cross street of where Dakota was seen on 01/18/2023

3710 Willow Creek rd, Nashville, TN 37207 United States

(Date last seen: 01/18/2023)

Physical description / medications / other

He is tricolor Black, White and Brown he has one blue eye and one brown eye.

No behaviors he is very playful he is not aggressive at all.

Contact information

When Dakota is found, please call the PetHub 24x7 "Found Pet Hotline" at +1 (855) 411-0123 or use any additional contact information provided below.

Phone: (615) 243-0815

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