(last seen: 04/06/2023)

$1000 REWARD!!! Missing English BullDog! Answers To "Buster"

Name: Buster

Gender: Male

Species: Dog

Breed (primary): English Bulldog

Weight: 72 lb

License: MDL18-154393

Last seen location

The address below is the last known address or cross street of where Buster was seen on 04/06/2023

Corinth Lane, Mountain City, Georgia 30562 United States

(Date last seen: 04/06/2023)

Physical description / medications / other

Male English Bulldog brindle and white with a round brown marking on the top of his head. Wearing a red nylon collar with a tag. He is 8 years old and about 72lbs. His name is Buster. Last see by Corinth Lane near Electric Ave Mountain City Ga. He is an older dog with poor stamina and can't get around for long. He will get exhausted with exertion. $1000 REWARD if found.

As a Bulldog he doesn't have much stamina to wander too far, and gets exhausted easily Needs to drink lots of water. He is an older dog and needs attention.

Contact information

When Buster is found, please call the PetHub 24x7 "Found Pet Hotline" at +1 (855) 411-0123 or use any additional contact information provided below.

Phone: (305) 608-4065 or 305-793-4411 Call or Text

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