GDPR: Updates on PetHub Policies

Friday, May 25, 2018

Howdy PetHub’er!

You’ve probably been getting a slew of emails from websites lately with messages about updates and changes to privacy and the way your personal data is handled, so you probably know the drill by now. Here at PetHub, we are dedicated to providing top dog protection for you and your pets -- and protecting your personal data is no different.

To ensure that our system meets the requirements of the upcoming European Union data protection law (General Data Protection Regulation, or “GDPR” -- read this WIRED article, What is GDPR and Why Should You Care, if you want to get a good overview), we’ve made a number of updates to our privacy practices, policies and agreements.

Here’s a brief rundown of what we’ve done:

  • Improved clarity & transparency: We’ve updated our Terms of Service & Privacy Policy to make it crystal clear and easy to understand what data we gather and how we use it. Read our updated TOU & Privacy Policy

  • More control to you to control your information: We want it to be super-duper easy for you to control what information you provide to us, and how it is shared in order for the PetHub system to help your lost pet get home.

  • We’ve added a new Cookie Policy: We’ve outlined that as part of our Privacy Policy, to make it easier to review alongside our use of cookies and other technologies.

  • New users will have additional “opt-in” email permissions options:  Existing users can manually update their mailing preferences:

    1. Click on the "My Account" link (found in the top-right of the web page when you're signed-in)

    2. Click "Edit"

    3. Scroll down to the "News You Can Use" box and set email preferences, including unsubscribing to all marketing emails from PetHub

These updated policies went into effect on or before May 25, 2018. We encourage you to review the full Privacy Policy here so you fully understand how PetHub uses personal information. If you have any questions, need help updating your email or public profile settings, or any other concerns, as always, feel free to drop us a note at -- we are here to help!

Warmest wags,

Tom Arnold, CEO & the PetHub Team

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