Changing the way you do something, especially when it's been the same for years, can be quite a big challenge. Whether your team is made up of just a few people or you have multiple locations with numerous employees, getting everyone up to speed on a new product or service can take a lot of time and effort. We want to take some of that stress and work off your plate by providing you and your team with a "tool kit" of materials to help you learn what PetHub is & how it works as well as provide you with templates, printouts, and materials to make the launch of your new PetHub tags a breeze!
Below, you will find training videos for your staff (great for new folks or just as a refresher), printables for your team to keep on hand for quick referencing, and a list of great marketing materials to help you along the way. Don't see something that you think would be helpful? Please let us know!
Training Videos
- One Minute "Spiel"
- General Staff Training (Subsidized Programs)
- General Staff Training (Non-Subsidized Programs)
General Training Printables
- Program Launch Guide
- PetHub Training Handbook
- FAQ Sheet
- "Before The Pet Parent Leaves" Reminder Sheet
Marketing Templates & Printables
- Launch Timeline Checklist
- Sample Press Release
- Sample Announcement Email
- Sample "About PetHub" Website Announcement Post
- Sample Activation Reminder Email
- New Client Media Kit
If you have questions about any of the above or would like to see about getting branded marketing materials (posters, social media posts, etc), reach out to our marketing team at