Even though pets have unique personalities, names, ages, and distinctive physical features that set them apart from other members of their breed, identifying similar looking animals can be a little tricky. Since your pet can’t show up at the DMV for their driver’s license or state-issued ID, you’ll have to go about doing a little bit of extra work to make certain they’re just as easy to identify as you are.
A pet’s ID tag is not the same as a license, and it’s not a substitute for microchipping. In an ideal world, a safe pet will have all three-just in case the worst happens-and your pet becomes lost, runs away from home, or is simply disoriented and has found its way to the neighbor’s front door instead of yours.
Keeping your pet safe is not always the simplest of tasks, and even the most diligent of pet parents can have a
talented escape artist that knows how to sneak out of an open window, hop over the fence, or crawl through a subtly dug hole under the gate. If your pet does happen to wander off,
time is of the absolute essence, to avoid your pet ending up in a shelter or picked up by animal control. In the hands of many of these services, an unidentified pet’s life is in danger, since there is limited space to house and feed homeless pets, and those that are not adopted or reunited with their owners are sadly euthanized all too frequently.
Fortunately, a
pet ID tag is one simple, inexpensive measure you can take to help protect your pet, and ensure they remain a safe and happy member of your family for years to come.
What Does an ID Tag Look Like?
ID tag is a small, simple, and inexpensive item that attaches to your pet’s
collar. It will often list your pet’s name, your name, address, and telephone number, so that if your pet wanders off and is found by someone in the area, they will be promptly returned. ID tags come in a variety of materials, some sturdier than others, and are a very inexpensive investment for any pet owner.
Plastic ID Tags are the least expensive option to tag your pet, but also the least durable. Especially if you have a puppy, these tags can be easily chewed, and if your pet mistakes the plastic tag for a toy, it can easily become unreadable. If you do choose a plastic tag, make sure it’s of the highest quality.
Stainless Steel ID Tags are less easy to destroy, and less likely to become lost, making them a more expensive choice, but overall, a much better investment. Stainless steel tags may be either engraved or stamped; when you have a choice, it pays to go with the engraved version. It’s clearer, easier to read, and less likely to show wear and tear thanks to time and the elements that make it illegible.
Bronze and Lacquered ID Tags are popular choices for the aesthetic appeal; some pet parents want a cute lacquered tag designed to match the color of the pet’s collar. However, these are simply not as durable as the plainer but more reliable stainless steel option.
How PetHub ID Tags Work
PetHub takes issues of identification, safety, and security to a whole new level. The PetHub Digital Pet ID tag offers an added level of protection that gives you peace of mind. We hope you’ll never need the additional help in identifying and being reunited with a lost pet, but in the event that the worst does happen, we dramatically increase your pet’s chance of rescue.
Each PetHub ID tag comes with all the information that’s needed to log on to our website, and view the profile you’ve set up for your pet. Ideally, a profile will include a picture, a description of your pet, anything pertinent info about your pet’s personality or medical history, their license and microchip numbers (if applicable), and medical data regarding medications your pet is currently taking, vaccinations, and more.
If your pet does go missing, the Good Samaritan who finds your pet will be able to scan the QR code, call the Toll-Free 24/7 Found Pet Hotline printed on the tag, or type in the unique URL on the back of your tag on to access your pet’s profile. This online profile not only displays your pet’s critical medical and identification data, but also displays your personal contact information, as well as contact info of other trusted individuals in your pet’s life (e.g., veterinarian, pet sitter), so you and your furry friend are quickly reunited. To purchase a tag,
visit our shop.

If you’re concerned about the privacy of you and your family, you don’t have to be. You can choose what information is made public and PetHub will never share your personal information with third parties.
PetHub ID tags aren’t a substitute for the microchip or pet licensing. It’s simply one more inexpensive, practical way to keep your pet as safe as possible.