PetHub Found Pet Stories


Found: Max

German shorthair pointer

PetHub Works!!  Unfortunately, having a Germain Shorthair Pointer isn't always a fun thing.  As with most breeds and people, there's a glitch.  Max the wonder dog, loves to run.  Whether we're with him or not.  Thank you, PetHub for making it easier to find him when he gets out!!!!   It's such a hard time when he gets past us and we have no idea how far and in which direction to look.  Since having PetHub services the process of finding him has become  a lot easier.  Within minutes, instead of hours,  of him getting out of sight, he's been found by his tag.  People find it easy to use with the scanner and we get an instant email of his whereabouts.  I love this feature.  Thanks again for getting Max home, we'd be lost without him!!! 



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