PetHub Found Pet Stories

Found: Minerva


Meet Minerva! She managed to sneak out when no one was looking to go visit the neighbors, but got home quickly thanks to her PetHub tag! Her...

Found: Spa


When Dog Fashion Spa's company dog 'Spa' went missing, her PetHub ID came to her rescue. Our friends from Dog Fashion Spa were so...

Found: Monty


This is Monty!  Monty climbed the fence and escaped, but he was reunited with his owner thanks to his PetHub tag!  


Meet Mr. Beag Lee! According to his parents he's a typical Beagle and when he gets on a scent he goes wandering. But once in a while he'll...

Found: Raggs


Meet Raggs. This sweetie spent the night away from home, but thanks to PetHub, Raggs was home and with her mama early the next morning.

Found: Roxy


Meet Roxy!  PetHub got her home safely in less than an hour!

Found: Sadie May


Sadie May became a locksmith for the day, slipping three locks to escape!  Luckily, her family got her back in less than an hour thanks to her

Found: Shelby


Meet Shelby!

Found: Peach


Peach's mom told us this terrific story about how PetHub helped her sweet little poodle find her way home:

Found: Shazam


Meet Shazam!  He escaped to find some new food to try, and was fortunately returned home in less than a day - all thanks to a Good Samaritan...

Pomeranian dog looking at camera

Found: Grizzlie


So many people tell us "My dog never gets out, and if he does, he'd never leave the yard" (or in the case of Grizzlie's story,...

Three dogs lying on the couch


With PetHub tags, you have the ability to list unlimited emergency contacts. So when these three dogs decided to break-out of their backyard and...