

Pet parenting news, advice and education resources

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Worried your pup is singing "All by myself"? We get it.


While you’re at work, or just out of the house, you’re thinking about your dog. What’s a pet parent to do? Here are 5 ways to “fix” your dog’s home-alone-lonliness.

Canine Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes & Types


Dogs may be anxious for a wide variety of different reasons, and there are several types of anxiety, each with different triggers and specific treatments.

"I OWN that stink, Mom. I worked hard on it!"


Not everyone wants to snuggle with a stinky doggo. We've got some tips on what "normal" smells are and how to take care of those not-so-pleasant smells.

Most dogs you see on the streets are lost, not stray


If you find a lost dog, they are most likely scared or panicked. They are away from home and might act skittish, but still need your help. 

Make good choices when you're scared? Neither do pets.


Sometimes pets get lost because of a flight response to a perceived threat in their environment. So how do you find a terrified animal?

Do you know what to do when your pet gets hurt?


Pets are resilient creatures, Often they need less care for non-life-threatening injuries. It’s still important to learn to administer first aid.

Cuz, NO, a microchip by itself ISN'T enough


Sure, some cats slip off a collar faster than you strip out of sweaty gym gear, but you should never skip the protection a good collar & ID bring. 

Do you know cat CPR? Doggie heimlich? Stopping bleeding?


While pet first aid is by no means a replacement for competent vet care, there are some things you can do until they can get proper medical attention.

Ultimate safety net. NOT fail-proof.


There are MANY misconceptions about microchips. One myth is that they will always get a lost pet home.  Learn what you DON'T know about microchips. 

PetHub is in GOOD Company!


Just like PetHub, there are many organizations working towards a goal of getting lost pets home, and so we just have to share their PAWsomeness.

What to consider when choosing a tracker


There are a TON of choices for pet tracker devices! We breakdown what key things to consider when adding a tracker to your pet's collar that also has a PetHub tag on it!

TBF, my screaming during football games IS terrifying


Learn how to help desensitize dogs to loud noises. Help your dog conquer fireworks, loud music, cars backfiring, and more by taking these 3 easy steps.